Welcome to Whatley Kallas
The lawyers of Whatley Kallas have earned a national reputation—based on trust, respect, demonstrated commitment and tangible results—in connection with our representation of healthcare providers and members of the organized medicine community. A full-service healthcare boutique, we have the expertise, knowledge and resources to handle all aspects of issues facing healthcare providers today. Our experienced lawyers have focused their practices on litigating against, and negotiating with, health insurers across the country on a wide range of issues.
Our lawyers have negotiated settlements with most of the major health insurers in the country on behalf of hundreds of thousands of physicians and medical associations that resulted in monetary relief and revolutionary practice changes valued in the billions of dollars. These settlements fundamentally changed the way managed care companies do business with physicians. The lawyers of Whatley Kallas have been repeatedly recognized in legal publications, such as The National Law Journal and American Lawyer, by their peers and by leaders of organized medicine for our work in the healthcare field.
While we regularly handle litigation and arbitration addressing past and ongoing wrongful practices and are capable of developing and litigating a complex case through to verdict or arbitration award, we are also very effective in negotiating beneficial contracts for providers with health insurers that protect their rights and interests on a going-forward basis.
We are proud to count among our clients numerous national, state and county medical associations, hospitals and hospital systems, ambulatory surgical centers, individual physicians and physician groups, durable medical equipment providers and other healthcare providers and organizations.
In addition, the lawyers at Whatley Kallas continue to pursue Antitrust and Complex Commercial Litigation and Consumer Fraud & Abuse actions.

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