Whatley Kallas’ lawyers have handled significant Antitrust matters, including one of the major class action trials in recent years. The firm's Antitrust practice involves complex matters including price fixing and market allocation. Antitrust laws and trade regulations are complex areas of the law that are regulated by both the federal and individual state governments. Our lawyers have extensive experience in this area of the law and have represented clients in both private litigation and government antitrust investigations. We also have experience litigating under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO).
While the firm has a broad antitrust practice, it has concentrated in three areas:
- Healthcare, especially the representation of healthcare providers and medical societies, including the American Medical Association
- Agriculture, including the representation of ranchers and farmers against major packers and processors of agricultural products
- Insurance, including challenging arrangements between brokers and insurance companies
The firm’s lawyers have also successfully handled other complex commercial disputes, such as claims on behalf of a class of hundreds of retirees and other ordinary investors who, having pooled their resources to invest with Madoff through a local bank, have lost the bulk of their retirement savings in the Bernard Madoff scheme; claims on behalf of a class of businesses that allege that they paid excessive prices to U.S. Foods when it used fraudulent practices to increase the prices paid under cost-plus food service contracts; and claims on behalf of rice farmers who lost millions of dollars when Bayer allowed its genetically altered rice seed to contaminate natural rice seed, causing American rice farmers to lose important markets.